Hydrogeological Services

  • Hydrogeological characterization of mine sites
  • Groundwater exploration and aquifer management studies
  • Permitting requirements for groundwater studies
  • Water well design, installation and aquifer testing
  • Hydrogeological components for environmental and engineering studies
  • Aquifer and spring vulnerability studies
  • Lithological and structural mapping
  • Design, installation and optimization of well fields and monitoring networks
  • Mine drainage and depressurization studies, installation of pumping wells and horizontal drain systems; mine drainage optimization using state of the art modeling
  • Unsaturated (vadose zone) studies
  • Artificial recharge studies, design and implementation
  • Contaminated site characterization and groundwater remediation
  • Waste water injection in deep aquifers
  • Numerical modeling

Features Projects

Antamina Mine, Peru

Hydrogeological studies for new mine waste disposal areas; tailings facility groundwater model; water supply studies; pit pore pressure modeling

Hydrogeological studies to assess environmental risk from several proposed waste rock facilities, seepage estimates from tailings facility, mine drainage and depressurization studies for the open pit. The investigations typically included: hydrogeologic mapping, drilling and installation of multi-level wells, in-situ hydraulic testing, hydrochemistry, pumping tests in fractured rock and alluvial aquifers, tracer tests, data analysis, conceptual and numerical modeling.

Pueblo Viejo Mine, Dominican Republic

Hydrogeological Studies of Existing Tailings Impoundment

Hydrogeological investigation of the existing tailings facility and surrounding valleys. The investigation includes: hydrogeologic mapping, structural mapping of fractures and fault zones, drilling and installation of multi-level monitoring wells, in-situ hydraulic testing, hydrochemistry, pumping tests in fractured rock and alluvial aquifers, data analysis, conceptual and numerical modeling.

Zafranal Project, Peru

Feasibility Level Hydrogeological Studies for New Mining Project

Hydrogeological studies related to EIA and feasibility level engineering studies including: evaluation of surface water and groundwater supply options; hydrogeological characterization of tailings facility and mine waste areas; evaluation of mine dewatering and depressurization requirements. The ongoing studies include: hydrogeological mapping, drilling and installation of piezometers and pumping wells, hydrochemistry, hydraulic testing of aquifers, conceptual and numerical modeling and impact evaluations.

Mina Justa, Peru

Aquifer characterization and groundwater sustainability studies

Investigations included: hydrogeologic mapping, flow gauging, drilling and installation of piezometers, aquifer testing (pumping tests), hydrochemistry, analysis of data, conceptual and numerical modeling, impact analysis and sustainability assessment.

Michiquillay Project, Peru

Hydrogeological studies to support feasibility engineering studies.

Hydrology and hydrogeology of the open pit mine, tailings impoundment, and waste rock dumps. The investigations included: hydrogeological mapping, drilling and installation of piezometers, test wells, pumping tests, numerical modeling and impact predications.

La Granja Project, Peru

Hydrogeological studies to support EIA and feasibility engineering studies

including: evaluation of surface water and groundwater supply options; hydrogeological characterization of tailings facility and mine waste areas; evaluation of mine dewatering and depressurization requirements. The ongoing studies include: hydrogeological mapping, drilling and installation of piezometers and pumping wells, hydrochemistry, hydraulic testing of aquifers, conceptual and numerical modeling and impact evaluations.

Gold Fields, Cerro Corona Mine, Peru

Hydrogeological characterization of tailings facility, waste areas and open pit

The investigations included: karst mapping, hydrogeological mapping, drilling and installation of over 50 multi-piezometers, hydraulic testing, dye tracer tests, speleology, hydrochemical analysis, 3D numerical modeling and impact analysis.

Hydrogeology Services Leader

David Evans, M.App.Sc. Principal Hydrogeologist

  • 27 years of groundwater and business management experience with most of his career working in fractured and karstic limestone areas.
  • Hydrogeological leader on some of the largest hydrogeological investigations in Peru for companies such as Antamina, Anglo American, Barrick, Gold Fields, Mitsui, Volcan, and Xstrata.
  • Currently Co-founder and Managing Director for FloSolutions.
  • Global Mining Hydrogeology Sector Leader for MWH (2011-2013) and led the largest and most diverse center for hydrogeology within MWH globally and one of the largest and most diverse hydrogeological groups worldwide.
  • Founder and Managing Director of Groundwater International (GWI), the largest hydrogeological consulting group in Peru between 2004 and 2008.
  • Chairman, Mine Water Solutions in Extreme Environments Conference, Lima, Peru, April 15-20, 2013
  • Founder and General Manager of HCI-Itasca (Lima, Perú), 2002 – 2004.
