Numerical Modeling Services

Groundwater Flow Modeling with FEFLOW or Similar

  • Groundwater flow
  • Pit dewatering optimization
  • Pit pore pressure modeling
  • Tailing and waste seepage transport
  • Unsaturated flow
  • Karstic pipes and details faults representation
  • Contaminated transport, pollutant dispersion
  • Reactive transport with PHREEQC – PICHEM-FEFLOW Plug in
  • Heat Transport, Geothermal Energy
  • Density Dependent flow, Simulation of Saltwater Intrusion

Integrated Hydrological Modeling with MIKE SHE , MIKE FLOOD

  • Integrated catchment hydrology
  • Integrated mine water management
  • Fully coupled groundwater-surface water simulation
  • Irrigation and drought management
  • Environmental river flows
  • Floodplain management
  • Climate change

3D Geological Modeling and Resource Estimation for Lithium

  • 3DGeomodeller
  • Leafrog Geo
  • SGeMS

Features Projects

Candelaria Mine, Atacama, Chile

Hydrogeological Studies of Existing Tailings Impoundment and Open Pit

Conceptualization, construction, calibration and flow calculations of a steady and transient numerical modeling using FEFLOW in order to evaluate potential effects that the proposed mine expansion may have on the groundwater system in the surrounding area.

Gold Fields, Cerro Corona Mine, Peru

Hydrogeological Studies of Tailings Impoundment and Open Pit expansion

Numerical model construction, calibration, simulation and sensitivity analysis for Environmental Impact Assessment of mine development. The modeling included FEFLOW ground water modeling in transient conditions, including pit expansion, tailings facility and mine waste facility development.

Pueblo Viejo Mine, Dominican Republic

Hydrogeological Studies of a future Tailings Impoundment

Groundwater and surface water modeling. The modeling included FEFLOW ground water modeling and his interaction with a MIKE SHE Model in transient conditions, including tailings facility development. Transport and reactive transport of TSF seepage modeling.

Zafranal Project, Peru

Feasibility Level Hydrogeological Studies for New Mining Project

Groundwater and surface water modeling related to EIA and feasibility level engineering studies including: evaluation of surface water and groundwater supply options; hydrogeological characterization of tailings facility and mine waste areas;  evaluation of mine dewatering and depressurization requirements.

Antamina Mine, Peru

Hydrogeological Model for Open Pit Depressurization and Regional effect

Construction of a 3D numerical model in FEFLOW, calibration, sensitivity analysis and prediction simulations of future pit design. The numerical model was created and run with the purpose of assessing pit pore pressures in future pit stages to be used in the geotechnical analysis of pit design and stability and also understand the regional effect of the pit dewatering.

Salar de Maricunga Lithium Project, Chile

Hydrogeology Studies and Brine Resource Evaluation

Management and execution of numerical flow, density and transport model to define lithium and potash resources. The model is a comprehensive tool to support the environmental permitting process. It combines a fully-coupled FEFLOW and MIKE SHE to simulate groundwater and surface water interactions.

Numerical Modeling Services Leader

Robin Marc Dufour, M.App.Sc. Principal Hydrogeologist and expert in numerical flow modeling

  • Currently Managing Director at DHI Peru and leading a group of 4 hydrogeologists and numerical model experts in Groundwater modeling
  • 7 years of groundwater modeling experience with more than 25 mining related numerical flow models dealing with complex geological settings.
  • Principal numerical modeler on some of the largest hydrogeological investigations in Peru for companies such as Gold Fields, Antamina, Anglo American, Barrick, and Xstrata.
  • Currently working on PhD with Prof. Fabien Cornaton , head of FEFLOW Development in DHI WASY Germany and Prof. Philippe Renard world wide recognized geostatistical expert.
  • Groundwater Modeling Department Leader for MWH Peru (2011-2013)
